Friday, April 27, 2012

Ram Bo

"Ram Bo" 8x10 oil on board
This picture was from a photo op at a farm called "round the Bend Farm" close to where we live. During the year there are events for kids and this Ram seemed very prominent something about the look and all the woolie texture made him look impressive! 
He was a challenge to paint the eyes are very different and the wool hard to make it look like wool. His horns very large looked like that he wouldn't think twice to use them.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Grazing Horses

"Grazing Horses" 8x8 oil on board
Horses are a real challenge for me to paint, though I love 'em they do have strange shapes on their legs and the hooves are totally illogical!

This was from a photo I took on a lovely September day in King Township, and I was attracted to this peaceful scene, the backlight and the difference in colour of both animals.

Now back to dogs and cats for a while!